BC Junior Provincial Championship Tournament 2014

Official BC Chess Federation 45th Annual Junior Championship Tournament
Open to all B.C. Juniors (born after: Jan 1, 1995)
Results, Games & Photos
Champion Section - Final Results, Games (All 5 Rounds)
Reserve Section - Final Results
Booster Section - Final Results
Previous Champions (1970-2013)
Chess Gift for All Booster Section Players
3 sections:
Championship (CFC 1500 & above): November 7, 8 & 9, 2014 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) 3-day event
Reserve (CFC 1000 – 1499): November 7, 8 & 9, 2014 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) 3-day event
Booster (Unrated or CFC/CMA/NWSRS 1200 & below): November 8, 2014 (Saturday) 1-day event
Location: Unit 960 Lansdowne Centre, Richmond BC
Organizer: Chess2Inspire.org & Victoria Jung-Doknjas
Online Registration Only: Starts Oct 1st, 2014, Ends Nov 6th, 2014 5pm (Early Bird Rates valid till Oct 24th, 2014)
Approval Requests (CFC rating < 1500) to play in the Championship Section must be received on or before Nov 4th, 2014 mid-night (send email to tournaments@chess2inspire.org, state clear of Player`s Name, CFC#, CFC Rating & Contact Phone Number). Requests sent after the deadline or missing information will not be processed.
All proceedings (less expenses) goes towards promoting chess to the BC community.
1) Championship Section minimum rating of CFC 1500 or approval of TD to enter
Date: November 7, 8 & 9, 2014 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) Check in: Friday 5:00 - 5:20pm
The Champion(s): Perpetual champion trophy (no tie-break)
Qualification to play in the BC Closed (1st Place, computer tie-break on ties)
Trophies: Trophies for 1st & 2nd finishers and Best U1900 finisher (computer tie-break on ties)
Cash Prizes: 1st place-$200 2nd place-$100
Time Control: G90 minutes + 30 seconds increment.
Registration fee: Early Bird before Oct 24th mid-night $45 ($10 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Regular $55 ($10 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Round times: Friday 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00am & 1:30pm Sunday 9:00am & 1:30pm
Format: 5 Rounds Swiss System. CFC rated
Tournament Director: Stephen Wright
2) Reserve Section for ratings from CFC 1000 – 1499
Date: November 7, 8 & 9, 2014 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) Check in: Friday 5:00 - 5:20pm
Trophies: Trophies for top 3 finishers (computer tie-break on ties)
Time control: G90 minutes + 30 seconds increment.
Registration fee: Early Bird before Oct 24th mid-night $35 ($10 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Regular $45 ($10 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Round times: Friday 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00am & 1:30pm Sunday 9:00am & 1:30pm
Format: 5 Rounds Swiss System. CFC rated
Tournament Director: Joe Roback
3) Booster Section for Unrated players or ratings below CFC/CMA/NWSRS 1200 (whichever is highest)
Date: November 8, 2014 (Saturday) Check in: Saturday 9:30 – 9:50am
Trophies & Medals: Trophies for Top 3 finishers (computer tie-break on ties)
Medals for Top 3 CFC rating Under 800 (computer tie-break on ties)
Medal for Best CFC Unrated (computer tie-break on ties)
Time control: G25 minutes + 5 seconds increment.
Registration fee: Early Bird before Oct 24th mid-night $25 ($5 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Regular $30 ($5 off for 2nd or higher member of the family)
Round times: Saturday 10:00am; 11:15am; Lunch; 12:30pm; 1:45pm; 3:00pm; Awards estimated at 4:15pm or ASAP
Format: 5 Rounds Swiss System. CMA rated
Tournament Director: Joe Roback
- Bye request (Championship & Reserve Section) – Maximum 2 requested ½ point byes (except last round) at least 1 hour before the round starts
- Bye request (Booster Section) – Maximum 2 requested ½ point byes (except last round) at least ½ hour before the round starts
- Forfeits wait time (Championship & Reserve Sections) – 60 minutes grace period before the game is forfeited
- Forfeits wait time (Booster Section) – 15 minutes grace period before the game is forfeited
- Ties for non-cash prizes will be broken using tie-break systems (direct encounter, individual cumulative score, followed if necessary by cumulative score of opponents)
- Online registration only - for pre-pairing, onsite registration is NOT allowed.
- Chess notation is required for Championship & Reserve section. Optional for Booster section
- Chess sets and clocks are provided
- May use player's FIDE, CFC, CMA, NWSRS or foreign rating for pairing on TD's discretion
- Players must inform the TD if s/he is not able to play in any round(s). Player not show up for any round without notice will be forfeited from the tournament, and requires a legitimate reason and TD’s approval to re-enter the tournament
- The winner of the 2014 BC Junior Championship (Champion Section, by tie-break if more than one winner) is qualify for the 2015 BC Closed, subject to other 2015 BC Closed qualification rules (including the Residency Rule)