CFC ID Free Registration Instructions

Please following the following simple steps to register for a FREE CFC ID:

1) Goto, click "Sign Up" :

2) Fill up the registration form with the PLAYER's information (not the parent's information). For the "Provincial Affiliation" field near the bottom of the form, select "British Columbia" (or the province you reside in). Then, click "Sign Up":

3) On the "Agreement & Opt-ins" screen, click "Accept & Continue":

4) Close the "Welcome to GoMembership" dialog window:

5) Write down your CFC ID on the left pane of the "MY PROFILE" window. Then, click on your user name and logout from the pop-up menu.

6) You will receive a registration verification email with your username and Membership number (CFC ID). In the email, click the word "here" to verify your Email Address.

Done! Please use the CFC ID to register in the tournament.